OMG! I did it… I signed in for NaNoWriMo!

I did it! I really did it! I signed in for NaNoWriMo 2013!

I am both excited and scared. While I was filling the form with my personal information I felt a knot in my stomach and I knew I was right in trying this experience.

I know that particular kind of knot. It’s the same I felt when I fell in love with my boyfriend; the same I felt when I decided to go to a different University for my specialisation; the same I feel everytime I’m taking a big step and I know is the right one.

My stomach knows me better than my brain so I am inclined to trust it a lot.

When the decision is made, my brain takes over and I begin planning. In October and November, I will need a great deal of careful planning, because I’ll have plenty to do and little time.

However, I found that I’m not the only one planning. Peter Germany, a colleague writer and blogger, wrote on his blog about this too and, I confess, I took the idea of talking about my plans from his site.

So, what am I going to do during these months?

1. I’m going to search for a new job, since the previous one is over. This means I’ll be going around a lot, delivering CVs and collecting a huge amount of sympathetic looks from companies doormen. You know, it takes quite a lot of time!

2. I’m going to write blog posts because I planned a lot of them but I didn’t manage to keep up with my schedule because of Internet breakdown.

3. Tomorrow and next Saturday I’m going to have an English exam. I need to pass it in order to get the FCE Cambridge Certificate so… keep your finger crossed for me!

4. October will be also devoted to writing my medieval/fantasy story, that will NOT be my NaNoWriMo project, and to planning my romance story, that will be my NaNoWriMo project. I tossed and turned these ideas in my mind for a while, so… let’s see what happens!

What else? Oh yes, I’ll have to get through all the ordinary stuff, as anyone else does.

And what about you? What are your plans for October and November?

Thank you for reading so far and remember to have a look at Peter Germany’s Blog.


12 Replies to “OMG! I did it… I signed in for NaNoWriMo!”

  1. Peter Germany

    Thanks for the shout out 🙂 good luck with the English exam and good luck with NaNoWriMo. It’s an awesome experience 🙂 I should really start planning for it too lol 🙂
    I’ll be working in a proper ‘to do’ list over the weekend 🙂

  2. Cinta García

    NaNoWriMo is going to be great this year! Lots of people with the same objective in mind, so we can help each other to go on and push forward. Feel free to kick my ass (virtually, of course) if you see I am getting behind. Peter’s blog is one of my favourite ones!

  3. Maria

    NaNoWriMo?! Wow! Good luck! I have heard great things about it. Are you going to write in English or is it possible to write in Italian as well?

    • Irene Aprile

      I think I’ll write in Italian because I’m faster and then, if the product is good, I’ll translate it in English later. However I found that translating is not an easy task.
      Thank you for coming back on my blog!

  4. Maria

    I know what you mean. I have started to write in English some reviews of books I have read and it is quite difficult. Sometimes it is easier to write directly in English.
    P.S.: I really enjoy your blog 🙂

    • Irene Aprile

      Unfortunately I don’t feel sure enough of my English to write fiction directly… I don’t think I have a vocabulary wide enough to efficaciously convey undertones.

  5. Jemima Pett

    I’m impressed that you’re bilingual! I hope you have a great time at NaNoWriMo. November isn’t a good time for me to commit to that, so I’ve done Camp NaNo in the summer twice now – it'[s a great motivator! I think you’re doing exactly the right things to prepare for the month – clear out all the other things you can, write all the blog posts, stock up the freezer… but do remember to get fresh air and exercise every day, it’ll do your writing good!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and good luck with NaNo!

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