Overcrowded schedule and overcrowded mind #whatImwriting

Foto di Jan Vašek da Pixabay

As you may have understood by now, I’m not good at making my life easier. I already had a crowded schedule with my job, this blog, my ongoing projects, and the job as a translator. You may think that this would have been enough. But I can’t let an opportunity for writing more slip away.

So what?

I decided to do Camp NaNoWriMo again.

Call me crazy.

Probably I am.

I learnt from past experience and this time I’m going to set a more realistic goal of 10000 words. I’m going to write something different from my other works in progress, but it’s something that has been swirling in my head for a while and I want to give it a try. I don’t know exactly if it’s going to be a short story or something more, I need to see it on paper first.

How am I going to do this?

Optimizing my already limited time for writing.

I’m going to write for Camp in the morning, 500 words per day will suffice to hit my goal of 10000 in a month. During my lunch break I’m going to translate, 2000 words per day, because I don’t want the authors I work with (who are amazing) to feel neglected. In the eveninings I can catch up if I fall behind (because some blunders are expected) or write for my blog.

So… let’s write!

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