Turning 26

If you know me a little or you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you may know that today is my birthday. Today I turn 26, and it feels strange.

Don’t misunderstand me, I love birthdays.

I like to celebrate with my family, and I am not one of those people who dislike birthdays just because they don’t want to think about the passing of time.

However, this birthday feels different. I am now in the second part of my twenties, nearer to 30 than to 20, and I always thought that I would have been more or less settled, with a job and… a sort of path traced at my feet.

Well, it’s not like that.

You know, when I was younger I had an idea of what I would have been at 26 based on my favourite TV series. Friends.

Do you remember them? In the beginning, during the first and the second seasons of the series, they were more or less 26, and they lived in their own apartments, they had jobs, they seemed adults. It may be because I was 12 when I first saw Friends, but they seemed more adult than how I feel now.

Here in Italy, it takes quite a long time to finish University. For me, it took more or less one year and a half more than what I thought at the beginning.

Then you have to find a job, but University does nothing to help you, employment agencies and temp agencies are often filled with incompetent, rude and lazy staff, and you are forced to deliver CVs from company to company, with the hope that they don’t throw them away the moment you turn your head.

Not quite the situation that makes you feel adult and confident.

However, I don’t want to complain (not too much). Now I am truly happy because I gained a sort of mental balance. I have time to do a lot of things I love, and I try to stay positive about the future.

So… do you want to make me even happier? I would really appreciate your comments, they would be an excellent birthday present!

Thank you for reading and visiting my blog!

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